Маи (gyanarthi) wrote in fem_books,

продолжая рассказывать об интересных женщинах

Оригинал взят у gyanarthi в продолжая рассказывать об интересных женщинах

Kirin Narayan

Кирин Нараян.


одилась в Бомбее, Индия. Её матерью была американка, отцом — индиец. Для обучения в колледже Кирин переехала в Америку. В аспирантуре университета Калифорния-Беркли она изучала культурную антропологию и фольклор. Её диссертация была посвящена storytelling как способу религиозного обучения, в её основу легли этнографические исследования в Западной Индии, связанные с индуистким Святым, который часто передавал свои учения через живо изложенные фольклорные сказания. Появившаяся в результате книга «Storytellers, Saints and Scoundrels: Folk Narrative in Hindu Religious Teaching» (1989) получила «the first Victor Turner Prize for Ethnographic Writing» от Американской антропологической ассоциации, а также была со-победительницей «Elsie Clews Prize for Folklore» от Американского фольклорного общества. Её следующая книга «Love, Stars and All That» (1994) была включена в «Barnes and Nobles Discover Great New Writers program». В процессе исследования женской устной традиции в Кангре (северо-восточные Гималаи, штат Химачал Прадеш, Индия) Кирин в соавторстве с Урмилой Деви Сууд (Urmila Devi Sood) она написала книгу сказок, которые рассказывает на местном диалекте с обсуждением их значений и этнографического контекста» - «Mondays on the Dark Night of the Moon: Himalayan Foothill Folktales» (1997).

Интерес в семейных историях и опыт жизни в диаспоре вдохновил её на написание «My Family and Other Saints» (2007) — воспоминания о духовных поисках.

Её самая последняя книга «Alive in the Writing: Crafting Ethnography in the Company of Chekhov» (2012).

Кирин Нараян получила Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award от университета Висконтин в 2011 году.

С 2011 года она является редактором для Series in Contemporary Ethnography в издательстве университета Пенсильвании.

В настоящее время Кирин является профессором школы культуры, истории и языка Австралийского нациоального университета.

Исследовательские интересы:

социальная жизнь нарратива, этнографическое письмо, этнографические жанры, expressive culture, устные традиции, фольклор, гендер, жизненные истории, антропология религии, антропология креативности (творчества), Южная Азия, южноазиатская диаспора.

Кирин Нараян пишет о себе: http://www.gf.org/fellows/10538-kirin-narayan

Интервью с Кирин Нараян: http://savageminds.org/2014/02/03/ethnographic-writing-with-kirin-narayan-an-interview/#more-9858

Статья о Кирин Нараян: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/26/books/26grim.html?_r=0


  • 2012 -Alive in the Writing: Crafting Ethnography in the Company of Chekhov.

  • 2007 - My Family and Other Saints (memoir of transnational spiritual seeking in 1960s and 1970s).

  • 2002 - Old Deccan Days or Hindoo Fairy Legends by Mary Frere. Edited with an introduction by Kirin Narayan. (reprint of Old Deccan Days or Hindoo Fairy Legends Current in South India, fifth ed. 1898). Series in Classic Folk and Fairy Tales, Jack Zipes, Series Editor.

  • 1997 - Mondays on the Dark Night of the Moon: Himalayan Foothill Folktales in collaboration with Urmila Devi Sood.

  • 1994 - Love, Stars and All That.

  • 1993 - Creativity/Anthropology. Smadar Lavie, Kirin Narayan and Renato Rosaldo, eds.

  • 1989 - Storytellers, Saints, and Scoundrels: Folk Narrative in Hindu Religious Teaching.

Статьи (жирным курсивом отмечены статьи, в которых исследуются женские темы ):

  • 2012 - Local Boons: The Many Lives of Family Stories. In Locating Life Stories: Beyond East-West Binaries in Auto/Biographical Studies, Maureen Perkins, ed.

  • 2012 - (with Kenneth M. George) Stories about Getting Stories: Interactional Dimensions of Folk and Personal Narrative Research. In Handbook of Interview Research. K.M Marvasti, ed.

  • 2010 - Placing Lives through Stories: Second Generation South Asian Americans. In Everyday Life in South Asia (second edition). Sarah Lamb and Diane Mines, eds.

  • 2009 - Breaking the Crust: Reevaluating Ethnography across Time. Etnofoor: Special Issue on Writing Culture

  • 2008 - The Ascetic Practice of Eating Sweets: Transcribing Oral Narrative. Special Issue, Transcription. Interval(le)s II

  • 2008 - "Or in Other Words:" Traversing Registers of Language and Levels of Generality in Scholarly Writing. Special issue, Grand Theory. Journal of Folklore Research 45 (1)

  • 2008 - Showers of Flowers: A.K. Ramanujan and an Indian Folktale. Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche 2 (1)

  • 2008 - Singing and Retelling the Past. In Living with Stories. William Schneider, ed.

  • 2008 - Moving Stories: Beyond the Local in Ethnography and Fiction. In Self and subject in motion: South Asian and Pacific Cosmopolitans. Kathryn Robinson, ed.

  • 2007 - Tools to Shape Texts: What Creative Nonfiction Can Offer Ethnography. Anthropology and Humanism 32

  • 2007 - Legends and Family Folklore. Indian Folklife. Special Issue, The Legend: Conceptual issues and Pragmatics of Telling. Kishore Bhattarcharjee, ed. 25

  • 2006 - Shared Stories. In Bridges to Humanity: Narratives on Fieldwork and Friendship, 2d revised edition. Bruce T. Grindal and Frank A. Salamone, eds.

  • 2004 - "Honor is Honor After All": Silence and Speech in the Life Stories of Women in Kangra, North-West India. In Telling Lives in India: Biography, Autobiography and Life History. David Arnold and Stuart Blackburn eds.

  • 2004 - Death and Laughter. (reprinted selection from Storytellers, Saints and Scoundrels) Namarupa.

  • 2003 - Personal and Folk Narrative as Cultural Representation. In Postmodern Interviewing, edited by Jaber F. Gubrium and James A. Holstein.

  • 2003 - Haunting Stories: Narrative Transmissions of South Asian Identities in Diaspora. In South Asians in the Diaspora: Histories and Traditions, Knut Jacobsen and Pratap Kumar, eds.

  • 2003 - How Native is a Native Anthropologist? In Feminist Postcolonial Theory: A Reader. Reina Lewis and Sara Mills, eds.

    Статья доступна по ссылке: http://www.unc.edu/~aparicio/WAN/NarayanNativeAnthrop.pdf

  • 2003 - Colonialism and Folklore, Folklore of Himachal Pradesh, Sadhu, Tulsi, Wedding Songs in South Asian Folklore: An Encyclopedia. Margaret A. Mills, Peter J. Claus, and Sarah Diamond, eds.

  • 2003 - Bharatbarsat lokasmskriti bisayak chinta-carcha (History of Indian Folklore Scholarship, trans. by B.N. Datta) In VISWAKOSH: Encyclopedia of Assamese Folklore. VOL V, K. Bhattacharya and Birendranath Datta, eds.

  • 2002 - How Native is a Native Anthropologist In American Anthropology: Papers from the American Anthropologist 1971-1995. Regna Darnell, ed.

  • 2002 - Singing from Separation: Women's Voices in and About Kangra Folksongs. in Language, Gender and Subaltern Subjectivity. Gloria Raheja, ed.

  • 2002 - The God of Doorways. In Mementos, Artifacts and Hallucinations from the Ethnographer's Tent. Ron Emoff and David Henderson, eds.

  • 2002 - White-Bearers: Views of the Dhauladhar. In Into the High Ranges: The Penguin Book of Mountain Writings, Ravina Aggarwal, ed

  • 2002 - Introduction: Situating Old Deccan Days. In Old Deccan Days by Mary Frere, K. Narayan, ed.

  • 2002 - Placing Lives through Stories: Second Generation South Asian Americans. In Everyday Life in South Asia, Sarah Lamb and Diane Mines, eds

  • 2001 - (with Kenneth M. George) Interviewing for Folk and Personal Narrative. In Handbook of Interview Research: Methods and Context, Jay Gubrium and James Holstein, eds.

  • 1999 - Anthropologist and Novelist. In Yellow Light: The Flowering of the Asian American Arts, Amy Ling, ed.

  • 1999 - Ethnography and Fiction: Mapping a Border. Anthropology and Humanism 24

  • 1998 - Singing from Separation: Women's Voices in and About Kangra Folksongs. Oral Tradition 8

  • 1998 - How Native is a "Native" Anthropologist? In Anthropological Journeys: Essays on Fieldwork, Meenakshi Thapan, ed

  • 1997 - The Sprouting and Uprooting of Saili: The Story of Sacred Tulsi in Kangra. Manushi: A Journal of Women and Society 102

  • 1996 - How Native is a "Native" Anthropologist? In Situated Lives: Gender and Culture in Everyday Life, Louise Lamphere, Helene Ragone, and Patricia Zavella, eds.

  • 1996 - Kulh: The Waterway. In The Walled-Up Bride: A Folklore Casebook, Alan Dundes, ed.

  • 1996 - Songs Lodged in the Heart: Public Culture and the Displacement of Regional Women's Culture. In Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity, Smadar Lavie and Ted Swedenburg, eds.

  • 1996 - First Sweet, then Sour: Women's Ritual Storytelling in the Himalayan Foothills. Women and Language XIV

  • 1995 - Taking Oral Literary Criticism Seriously: Reflections on a Kangra Woman's Song. In Folklore Interpreted: Essays in Honor of Alan Dundes. R. Bendix and R. Zumwalt, eds.

  • 1995 - The Practice of Oral Literary Criticism: Women's Songs in Kangra, India. Journal of American Folklore 108

  • 1995 - Shared Stories. In Bridges to Humanity, B. Grindal and F. Salomone, eds.

  • 1995 - Participant Observation In Women Writing Culture. Ruth Behar and Deborah Gordon, eds.

  • 1995 - Come Out and Serve. Anthropology and Humanism 20 (1)

  • 1995 - The Prince with Six Fingers. In Religions of India in Practice, Donald Lopez, ed.

  • 1995 - How a Girl Became a Sacred Plant. In Religions of India in Practice, Donald Lopez, ed.

  • 1994 - Women's Songs, Women's Lives: A View from Kangra. Manushi: A Journal about Women and Society 81

  • 1993 - How Native is a "Native" Anthropologist? American Anthropologist 95 (3)

  • 1993 - Refractions of the Field at Home: American Representations of Hindu Holy Men in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Cultural Anthropology 8(3)

  • 1993 - Banana Republics and V.I. Degrees: Rethinking Indian Folklore in a Postcolonial World. Asian Folklore Studies 52

  • 1993 - On Nosecutters, Gurus and Storytellers. In Creativity/Anthropology, S. Lavie, K. Narayan, and R. Rosaldo, eds.

  • 1993 - Introduction: Creativity in Anthropology (with S. Lavie and R. Rosaldo). In Creativity/Anthropology, eds. S. Lavie, K. Narayan, and R. Rosaldo

  • 1991 - Street Children Play Themselves. The Thatched Patio 4

  • 1991 - "According to their Feelings": Teaching and Healing with Stories. In The Lives Stories Tell: Narrative and Dialogue in Education, Carol Witherell and Nel Noddings, eds.,

  • 1986 - Birds on a Branch: Girlfriends and Wedding Songs in Kangra. Ethos 14

Tags: Индия, английский язык, история женскими глазами, переосмысление, писательницы

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